Friday, March 5, 2010

Thoughts for My Kids - Keep your eye on the ball [Proverbs 4]

Think about the times someone pitched a baseball to you. What would have happened had you been blindfolded? Or what happens when you simply fail to watch the ball closely? The same can be said for someone trying to hit a golf ball. You must see/watch the ball, and, in golf, you must keep your head down!

(4:4-5) You must hold fast to the Creator God's Truth. "Get wisdom; get insight." This is just like that baseball or golf ball.

All of your life, from inside you and from the outside of you, forces will be exerted upon you that will attempt to distract you and pull you away from knowing and trusting God and obeying His truth. Namely, from the New Testament, these influences are summed up in three words:

1. The world - This is the same as the "fools" mentioned in Proverbs, and the pervasive system of thought on planet earth today...any "world-view" that is a non-Biblical worldview. 2. Your flesh - your old, pre-Christian ways and thoughts that are still present in your life, for the time being (until heaven!) that still exert an influence upon you. 3. The devil - Satan, your enemy, who is real and wants to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you, but whose only power over you is in trying to make you believe in his lies. He is the father of lies and can only lie.

(4:25-27) "Let your eyes look directly forward. Do not swerve..." God has given, is giving, and will continue to give you everything you need to please Him and glorify Him.

It's easy, because this victory is all by His power. Remember Jesus' words, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." and the scripture, "Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world." And, again, as Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

To please and glorify God by yielding in obedience to His word, even in the middle of distraction, temptation, and the attacks of the enemy, is possible. It is the normal way for you, Jesus' disciple, as long as you are taking advantage of the grace He gives you to FOCUS. So, don't be distracted - not even in a single moment of a single day - do not swerve to the right or to the left, obey Jesus, and keep your eye on the ball!

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