Someone once said "The heart is an idol factory".
In Proverbs 7, there are warnings again, as in in Proverbs 5 & 6, for the young man to keep from the forbidden woman, the adulteress.
In the New Testament, our relationship with Jesus is compared to that of a husband and wife. In fact the Bible says that we are the Bride of Christ, and we are to remain faithful to Him, not going after any other god, but only after the one, true Creator God. We are to only worship Him.
So, it's good to think of Proverbs 7 as not only a warning against adultery, but as a reminder to all followers of Jesus not to wander into "heart" idolatry. "You are to have no other gods before Me," God says.
The one who does not fear God, who "lacks sense," does indeed worship, but does not worship our Creator. An American folk singer once sang, "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but everybody's gotta serve somebody." Even the atheist, at heart, must place something as #1 in his or her life, and more often than not, we are on our own personal thrones. We pridefully place ourselves above all others, serving and worshiping ourselves.
And even you, one who belongs to Jesus, can have a wandering heart.
Don't be lazy in your thoughts and in your emotions/heart. Be on guard. Remember Kind David, who let down his guard, allowing his heart to wander from God one afternoon, and committed adultery, murder, and experienced the painful consequences of sin in the death of his child.
The heart is an idol factory, so by the power of Jesus, whose Spirit lives in you, be filled with His Spirit, and continually worship Him only in all that you think, do and say. Would you pray something like this? "God, give me grace every moment today to yield the throne of my heart to You, my Master and King!"
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