Monday, March 8, 2010

Thoughts for My Kids - Ants at Work [Proverbs 6]

As young kids, you seemed to really enjoy watching ants crawl around on the ground, especially in some of the places where we lived, where there was not that much else to do outside!

Read Proverbs 6:6-11. Note especially verse 6, which says, "Got to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise." The ant does exactly what God created the ant to do; He works very hard without anyone telling him to work. Ants simply work hard to provide food and shelter for themselves.

In relation to work, as you read the Bible, it's very clear that God expects you to work and not be lazy. No honorable work is too "low" for you, provided that it is pleasing to God, that it can be done in faith and for His glory, and is not against His Word in any way.

Consider Jesus, who did the dirty job of washing His disciples' feet. Take joy in doing your work well, no matter what kind of job it is, and whether you "enjoy" it or not. The Word tells you to do all to the glory of God.

Finally, there are two more points your father would like you to remember about work. First, Paul tells the church members in Thessalonica, "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." Trust God to provide for your needs, and be obedient to joyfully labor in the work He provides for you this day. And, point two is this: if you are not faithful in the small things, how can God trust you with the big things?

This second point deserves some more comment. Let God be the one to promote you to more and greater responsibilities, if that be His will. But remember, regardless of whether or not you receive great responsibility in this life, the Scripture seems to indicate from Revelation 20:6 that we will one day "reign with Him." Yes, there will be no more pain, no sorrow, no tears in Heaven. But there will be something to DO in eternity with God. It will be perfect work, unlike any work on earth, I believe. It will not be work that is "dreadful" and tedious. I cannot help but think that this work, this "partnering with God" and living in His presence, will be something like the work that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden before the Fall. This "reigning" will be the pure joy of reigning with Jesus as His Bride throughout eternity, and no one here on this earth can fully understand, nor describe, what that mystery of reigning will be.

This work will be very special - the work and the reigning that He has trained you for in your lifetime on earth. So, be His faithful servant in the here and now, and you may be fully prepared for and enjoy His special plan and purpose for you in eternity.

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