Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thoughts for My Kids from Proverbs - What will you be when you grow up? [Proverbs 1]

The purpose behind the wise sayings recorded in Proverbs is to help you live life in a way that is pleasing to your Creator, to live life the way He designed for you to live it. All else is loss, vain, foolish, or, as Paul says in Philippians when talking about knowing and loving Jesus, all else is "rubbish".

Ecclesiastes says to remember your Creator, while you are young. Don't waste your life, realizing so late Who IS your life. Proverbs 1:7 - Most people in the world do not fear the one true Creator God. Just because someone chooses not to acknowledge God does not mean, of course, that God does not exist (man is not a creation of God!), nor does it mean that He doesn't know these people or what they do. He knows all, and will judge all of us.

The most intelligent scientist in the world is nothing if he/she does not fear God. In fact, many of the problems we have today come from foolish decisions made by very talented, knowledgeable people. Who or what guides the scientist or inventor in their decision-making? Who or what is to prevent them from devising harmful theories and products? Genetically modifying wheat, for example, has led to horrible health problems for those today whose bodies cannot tolerate the hundred-fold increase in gluten in store-bought breads.

What about the lawmakers who pass legislation that goes against the clear teachings of the Word of God? What about the Most Valuable Player in sports who is a failure in his family life?

Fools do not want to honor God or His instruction; they would rather continue in their sin. Pride says, "I know best. I can decide what I want. I have the right to do what I want to do." This attitude is not of God and shows that a person is a slave of sin and not one who fears or loves God.

Whatever you do, do for God's glory. Who are you going to be when you grow up? Usually we ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" but the better question, is "WHO?" My heart's desire and prayer for you is that whatever God leads you to do... whether you're a teacher, nurse, firefighter, scientist, musician, etc., that you will do it for His glory, and you will continually know and fear and love your Creator God.

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