How do you respond to the person who corrects you?
I confess that, initially, I have a tendency to reject correction. I sometimes think, "What right do YOU have telling me what I should or should not do? Or how I should/should not be?"
If I allow this attitude to prevail, according to verses 7-9, then I am a scoffer, a wicked man.
The Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin and, at times, may do this through the gentle correction of a brother or sister.
Thank God that because of Christ and His cross, we are able to be humbly grateful to the one who corrects us. "Reprove a wise man and he will love you."
God, we ask for grace today to have a teachable spirit and for wisdom to love those who correct us. Help us to repent and move forward in our walk with You.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Thoughts for my kids: The Deep Wisdom of God (Proverbs 8)
Today, July 8, 2010, your mom and I, along with your Granny and Pawpaw, took you children to Blue Springs in Jackson County, Florida. You guys were 6, 10 and 12-years-old; do you remember this day? The waters were crystal clear and stinging cold!
We got to Blue Springs Recreational Park early, and had to wait almost an hour for the park to open. Even though it was mid-morning, you three were already wilting from the heat, and you were bothered by the gnats that were continually flying around your eyes and ears. But, you forgot all about the gnats and the heat when you slid down that long slide into the icy blue water. The shock of cold took your breath away!
A huge raft was anchored in the middle of the swimming area, and do you remember the diving board? Directly beneath that board, about 15-20 feet to the bottom, was the mouth of a huge underwater cave from which the spring flowed, about 64 million gallons of fresh water per day, we learned.
I watched you plunge from the diving board into the blue, directly above that black hole of a cave, still far beneath you (at least two of you did; my middle child was not in a diving mood on this day!).
I watched from beneath you with my swim goggles on, and I was amazed at the enormity of the cave and the gushing current it generated from the depths of the earth beneath Blue Springs Park.
Proverbs 8 tells us that God's wisdom was there when he created the heavens, and "established the fountains of the deep" (8:28). In fact, long before there were "springs abounding with water" (8:24), God's wisdom had already been brought forth.
Kids, if this time has not already come for you, there will soon be, I believe, a time when your faith in Christ will be seriously challenged by those who do not have faith in God. They will use clever-sounding arguments to try to prove to you what a fool you are for following Jesus. You'll also find these arguments on television, in books and magazines, movies and perhaps in your college/university classroom, depending on where you go to school (if God leads you to go to college one day).
Proverbs 8:4 says, "To you, O men, I [the wisdom of God] call, and my cry is to the children of man." You will be saved from MUCH heartache, much confusion, much time-wasting and evil doing, if you will only listen to and carefully heed God's wisdom. All you have need of, you will find in Him. If there is something or someone you think you need, and God does not provide it for you, then understand that He knows that you are requesting something from Him that you do not need at all.
If you are uncertain about what to do, ask God for His wisdom. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5).
I pray as you see and experience God's creation, you will understand better how much He loves you. And I pray that if you ever swim in Blue Springs again, or when you think about the ocean depths, or see the lakes and rivers around you, you will let yourself meditate on the ancient, perfect, true and deep wisdom of your all-wise, all-knowing, ever-present God.
We got to Blue Springs Recreational Park early, and had to wait almost an hour for the park to open. Even though it was mid-morning, you three were already wilting from the heat, and you were bothered by the gnats that were continually flying around your eyes and ears. But, you forgot all about the gnats and the heat when you slid down that long slide into the icy blue water. The shock of cold took your breath away!
A huge raft was anchored in the middle of the swimming area, and do you remember the diving board? Directly beneath that board, about 15-20 feet to the bottom, was the mouth of a huge underwater cave from which the spring flowed, about 64 million gallons of fresh water per day, we learned.
I watched you plunge from the diving board into the blue, directly above that black hole of a cave, still far beneath you (at least two of you did; my middle child was not in a diving mood on this day!).
I watched from beneath you with my swim goggles on, and I was amazed at the enormity of the cave and the gushing current it generated from the depths of the earth beneath Blue Springs Park.
Proverbs 8 tells us that God's wisdom was there when he created the heavens, and "established the fountains of the deep" (8:28). In fact, long before there were "springs abounding with water" (8:24), God's wisdom had already been brought forth.
Kids, if this time has not already come for you, there will soon be, I believe, a time when your faith in Christ will be seriously challenged by those who do not have faith in God. They will use clever-sounding arguments to try to prove to you what a fool you are for following Jesus. You'll also find these arguments on television, in books and magazines, movies and perhaps in your college/university classroom, depending on where you go to school (if God leads you to go to college one day).
Proverbs 8:4 says, "To you, O men, I [the wisdom of God] call, and my cry is to the children of man." You will be saved from MUCH heartache, much confusion, much time-wasting and evil doing, if you will only listen to and carefully heed God's wisdom. All you have need of, you will find in Him. If there is something or someone you think you need, and God does not provide it for you, then understand that He knows that you are requesting something from Him that you do not need at all.
If you are uncertain about what to do, ask God for His wisdom. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (James 1:5).
I pray as you see and experience God's creation, you will understand better how much He loves you. And I pray that if you ever swim in Blue Springs again, or when you think about the ocean depths, or see the lakes and rivers around you, you will let yourself meditate on the ancient, perfect, true and deep wisdom of your all-wise, all-knowing, ever-present God.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Thoughts for My Kids - Idol Factories [Proverbs 7]
Someone once said "The heart is an idol factory".
In Proverbs 7, there are warnings again, as in in Proverbs 5 & 6, for the young man to keep from the forbidden woman, the adulteress.
In the New Testament, our relationship with Jesus is compared to that of a husband and wife. In fact the Bible says that we are the Bride of Christ, and we are to remain faithful to Him, not going after any other god, but only after the one, true Creator God. We are to only worship Him.
So, it's good to think of Proverbs 7 as not only a warning against adultery, but as a reminder to all followers of Jesus not to wander into "heart" idolatry. "You are to have no other gods before Me," God says.
The one who does not fear God, who "lacks sense," does indeed worship, but does not worship our Creator. An American folk singer once sang, "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but everybody's gotta serve somebody." Even the atheist, at heart, must place something as #1 in his or her life, and more often than not, we are on our own personal thrones. We pridefully place ourselves above all others, serving and worshiping ourselves.
And even you, one who belongs to Jesus, can have a wandering heart.
Don't be lazy in your thoughts and in your emotions/heart. Be on guard. Remember Kind David, who let down his guard, allowing his heart to wander from God one afternoon, and committed adultery, murder, and experienced the painful consequences of sin in the death of his child.
The heart is an idol factory, so by the power of Jesus, whose Spirit lives in you, be filled with His Spirit, and continually worship Him only in all that you think, do and say. Would you pray something like this? "God, give me grace every moment today to yield the throne of my heart to You, my Master and King!"
In Proverbs 7, there are warnings again, as in in Proverbs 5 & 6, for the young man to keep from the forbidden woman, the adulteress.
In the New Testament, our relationship with Jesus is compared to that of a husband and wife. In fact the Bible says that we are the Bride of Christ, and we are to remain faithful to Him, not going after any other god, but only after the one, true Creator God. We are to only worship Him.
So, it's good to think of Proverbs 7 as not only a warning against adultery, but as a reminder to all followers of Jesus not to wander into "heart" idolatry. "You are to have no other gods before Me," God says.
The one who does not fear God, who "lacks sense," does indeed worship, but does not worship our Creator. An American folk singer once sang, "It may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but everybody's gotta serve somebody." Even the atheist, at heart, must place something as #1 in his or her life, and more often than not, we are on our own personal thrones. We pridefully place ourselves above all others, serving and worshiping ourselves.
And even you, one who belongs to Jesus, can have a wandering heart.
Don't be lazy in your thoughts and in your emotions/heart. Be on guard. Remember Kind David, who let down his guard, allowing his heart to wander from God one afternoon, and committed adultery, murder, and experienced the painful consequences of sin in the death of his child.
The heart is an idol factory, so by the power of Jesus, whose Spirit lives in you, be filled with His Spirit, and continually worship Him only in all that you think, do and say. Would you pray something like this? "God, give me grace every moment today to yield the throne of my heart to You, my Master and King!"
Thoughts for My Kids - Ants at Work [Proverbs 6]
As young kids, you seemed to really enjoy watching ants crawl around on the ground, especially in some of the places where we lived, where there was not that much else to do outside!
Read Proverbs 6:6-11. Note especially verse 6, which says, "Got to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise." The ant does exactly what God created the ant to do; He works very hard without anyone telling him to work. Ants simply work hard to provide food and shelter for themselves.
In relation to work, as you read the Bible, it's very clear that God expects you to work and not be lazy. No honorable work is too "low" for you, provided that it is pleasing to God, that it can be done in faith and for His glory, and is not against His Word in any way.
Consider Jesus, who did the dirty job of washing His disciples' feet. Take joy in doing your work well, no matter what kind of job it is, and whether you "enjoy" it or not. The Word tells you to do all to the glory of God.
Finally, there are two more points your father would like you to remember about work. First, Paul tells the church members in Thessalonica, "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." Trust God to provide for your needs, and be obedient to joyfully labor in the work He provides for you this day. And, point two is this: if you are not faithful in the small things, how can God trust you with the big things?
This second point deserves some more comment. Let God be the one to promote you to more and greater responsibilities, if that be His will. But remember, regardless of whether or not you receive great responsibility in this life, the Scripture seems to indicate from Revelation 20:6 that we will one day "reign with Him." Yes, there will be no more pain, no sorrow, no tears in Heaven. But there will be something to DO in eternity with God. It will be perfect work, unlike any work on earth, I believe. It will not be work that is "dreadful" and tedious. I cannot help but think that this work, this "partnering with God" and living in His presence, will be something like the work that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden before the Fall. This "reigning" will be the pure joy of reigning with Jesus as His Bride throughout eternity, and no one here on this earth can fully understand, nor describe, what that mystery of reigning will be.
This work will be very special - the work and the reigning that He has trained you for in your lifetime on earth. So, be His faithful servant in the here and now, and you may be fully prepared for and enjoy His special plan and purpose for you in eternity.
Read Proverbs 6:6-11. Note especially verse 6, which says, "Got to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways and be wise." The ant does exactly what God created the ant to do; He works very hard without anyone telling him to work. Ants simply work hard to provide food and shelter for themselves.
In relation to work, as you read the Bible, it's very clear that God expects you to work and not be lazy. No honorable work is too "low" for you, provided that it is pleasing to God, that it can be done in faith and for His glory, and is not against His Word in any way.
Consider Jesus, who did the dirty job of washing His disciples' feet. Take joy in doing your work well, no matter what kind of job it is, and whether you "enjoy" it or not. The Word tells you to do all to the glory of God.
Finally, there are two more points your father would like you to remember about work. First, Paul tells the church members in Thessalonica, "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat." Trust God to provide for your needs, and be obedient to joyfully labor in the work He provides for you this day. And, point two is this: if you are not faithful in the small things, how can God trust you with the big things?
This second point deserves some more comment. Let God be the one to promote you to more and greater responsibilities, if that be His will. But remember, regardless of whether or not you receive great responsibility in this life, the Scripture seems to indicate from Revelation 20:6 that we will one day "reign with Him." Yes, there will be no more pain, no sorrow, no tears in Heaven. But there will be something to DO in eternity with God. It will be perfect work, unlike any work on earth, I believe. It will not be work that is "dreadful" and tedious. I cannot help but think that this work, this "partnering with God" and living in His presence, will be something like the work that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden before the Fall. This "reigning" will be the pure joy of reigning with Jesus as His Bride throughout eternity, and no one here on this earth can fully understand, nor describe, what that mystery of reigning will be.
This work will be very special - the work and the reigning that He has trained you for in your lifetime on earth. So, be His faithful servant in the here and now, and you may be fully prepared for and enjoy His special plan and purpose for you in eternity.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thought for My Kids - For dudes only (Proverbs 5)
Okay, sorry girls, but this one is for the guys, and for you, son, in particular.
If you can learn this lesson while you're young, it can save you years of heartache later in life.
(5:3) - So, who is this strange, forbidden woman that you are being warned about in Proverbs 5? This group of wise sayings is a warning to not be involved with any girl or woman who is not your wife.
You are to treat all women respectfully. We see many examples of how Jesus treated women, even those women whom others considered "bad", with dignity and respect. Remember the woman at the well in Samaria? (see John 4), and also the woman caught in adultery in John chapter 8? And for those who are followers of Jesus, the Bible tells you that you are to treat younger women as you would sisters, and older women as you would mothers (I Timothy 5:2).
But there is only one woman that you are to relate to in an intimate, sexual way, and that is your wife. Any other woman for you is to be considered a "forbidden" woman. You are to (5:8) "keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house."
Jesus goes further in Matthew 5:27-30 - "everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Why is this? Is to even wrong to look at an attractive female?
The human body is good. God said so. In Genesis, we see that God looked at His creation and said it was good. So, a woman's body is good. Our bodies are not "evil". But you are not to look at a "forbidden" woman's body (and this must include our imaginations, as we are able to bring up these pictures in our "mind's eye", as some have called it.) because that woman is NOT your wife. This sexual intimacy is reserved by God for pro-creation and for enjoyment between you and your one and only life partner and helper, your wife.
Sex is also good and beautiful, as God designed it to be, within the boundary of the marriage relationship. To see the devastating results of going outside this God-ordained, God-designed boundary, you need only look at the remaining verses of Proverbs 5, and the second half of Proverbs 6.
But think again about the beginning. What one thing did our Creator God say was NOT good? It was not good that man was alone, and did not have a good helper for him. Then He made woman, and brought her to man.
God is our Provider (5:17-18). He is always faithful, son, and in His grace to you, He will provide one of two things: 1. Grace to live a pure life, staying far away from sexual sins, and focusing your best efforts on following Him. In this you may greatly rejoice, as you are able to give full attention to Him in your life as a single, not being hindered in any way by the need to provide for and give attention to a wife's needs [see I Cor. 7:32]. Or, 2. He will provide for you a suitable help-mate, as He did Adam, and then you may "rejoice in the wife of your youth," as we read in Proverbs 5.
If you can learn this lesson while you're young, it can save you years of heartache later in life.
(5:3) - So, who is this strange, forbidden woman that you are being warned about in Proverbs 5? This group of wise sayings is a warning to not be involved with any girl or woman who is not your wife.
You are to treat all women respectfully. We see many examples of how Jesus treated women, even those women whom others considered "bad", with dignity and respect. Remember the woman at the well in Samaria? (see John 4), and also the woman caught in adultery in John chapter 8? And for those who are followers of Jesus, the Bible tells you that you are to treat younger women as you would sisters, and older women as you would mothers (I Timothy 5:2).
But there is only one woman that you are to relate to in an intimate, sexual way, and that is your wife. Any other woman for you is to be considered a "forbidden" woman. You are to (5:8) "keep your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house."
Jesus goes further in Matthew 5:27-30 - "everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Why is this? Is to even wrong to look at an attractive female?
The human body is good. God said so. In Genesis, we see that God looked at His creation and said it was good. So, a woman's body is good. Our bodies are not "evil". But you are not to look at a "forbidden" woman's body (and this must include our imaginations, as we are able to bring up these pictures in our "mind's eye", as some have called it.) because that woman is NOT your wife. This sexual intimacy is reserved by God for pro-creation and for enjoyment between you and your one and only life partner and helper, your wife.
Sex is also good and beautiful, as God designed it to be, within the boundary of the marriage relationship. To see the devastating results of going outside this God-ordained, God-designed boundary, you need only look at the remaining verses of Proverbs 5, and the second half of Proverbs 6.
But think again about the beginning. What one thing did our Creator God say was NOT good? It was not good that man was alone, and did not have a good helper for him. Then He made woman, and brought her to man.
God is our Provider (5:17-18). He is always faithful, son, and in His grace to you, He will provide one of two things: 1. Grace to live a pure life, staying far away from sexual sins, and focusing your best efforts on following Him. In this you may greatly rejoice, as you are able to give full attention to Him in your life as a single, not being hindered in any way by the need to provide for and give attention to a wife's needs [see I Cor. 7:32]. Or, 2. He will provide for you a suitable help-mate, as He did Adam, and then you may "rejoice in the wife of your youth," as we read in Proverbs 5.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Thoughts for My Kids - Keep your eye on the ball [Proverbs 4]
Think about the times someone pitched a baseball to you. What would have happened had you been blindfolded? Or what happens when you simply fail to watch the ball closely? The same can be said for someone trying to hit a golf ball. You must see/watch the ball, and, in golf, you must keep your head down!
(4:4-5) You must hold fast to the Creator God's Truth. "Get wisdom; get insight." This is just like that baseball or golf ball.
All of your life, from inside you and from the outside of you, forces will be exerted upon you that will attempt to distract you and pull you away from knowing and trusting God and obeying His truth. Namely, from the New Testament, these influences are summed up in three words:
1. The world - This is the same as the "fools" mentioned in Proverbs, and the pervasive system of thought on planet earth today...any "world-view" that is a non-Biblical worldview. 2. Your flesh - your old, pre-Christian ways and thoughts that are still present in your life, for the time being (until heaven!) that still exert an influence upon you. 3. The devil - Satan, your enemy, who is real and wants to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you, but whose only power over you is in trying to make you believe in his lies. He is the father of lies and can only lie.
(4:25-27) "Let your eyes look directly forward. Do not swerve..." God has given, is giving, and will continue to give you everything you need to please Him and glorify Him.
It's easy, because this victory is all by His power. Remember Jesus' words, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." and the scripture, "Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world." And, again, as Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
To please and glorify God by yielding in obedience to His word, even in the middle of distraction, temptation, and the attacks of the enemy, is possible. It is the normal way for you, Jesus' disciple, as long as you are taking advantage of the grace He gives you to FOCUS. So, don't be distracted - not even in a single moment of a single day - do not swerve to the right or to the left, obey Jesus, and keep your eye on the ball!
(4:4-5) You must hold fast to the Creator God's Truth. "Get wisdom; get insight." This is just like that baseball or golf ball.
All of your life, from inside you and from the outside of you, forces will be exerted upon you that will attempt to distract you and pull you away from knowing and trusting God and obeying His truth. Namely, from the New Testament, these influences are summed up in three words:
1. The world - This is the same as the "fools" mentioned in Proverbs, and the pervasive system of thought on planet earth today...any "world-view" that is a non-Biblical worldview. 2. Your flesh - your old, pre-Christian ways and thoughts that are still present in your life, for the time being (until heaven!) that still exert an influence upon you. 3. The devil - Satan, your enemy, who is real and wants to kill you, steal from you, and destroy you, but whose only power over you is in trying to make you believe in his lies. He is the father of lies and can only lie.
(4:25-27) "Let your eyes look directly forward. Do not swerve..." God has given, is giving, and will continue to give you everything you need to please Him and glorify Him.
It's easy, because this victory is all by His power. Remember Jesus' words, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." and the scripture, "Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world." And, again, as Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
To please and glorify God by yielding in obedience to His word, even in the middle of distraction, temptation, and the attacks of the enemy, is possible. It is the normal way for you, Jesus' disciple, as long as you are taking advantage of the grace He gives you to FOCUS. So, don't be distracted - not even in a single moment of a single day - do not swerve to the right or to the left, obey Jesus, and keep your eye on the ball!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thoughts for My Kids - Learn the Word! [Proverbs 3]
(3:1) Do not forget God's Word, the Bible. Keep, obey, trust in, live by God's command. We are not supposed to do good in order to be noticed by others. This is pride. We are prideful when we our desire is to appear before others as "good", and/or when we want to think of ourselves as better than others.
But, "let your HEART keep My commandments". This is the desire of the one who fears God. Your obey God's Word because that is what you want to do more than anything else in the world; this desire only comes from God, and has nothing to do with how good you are. Praise and give glory to God, if this is the desire of your heart, because this is His gift to you.
(3:3) God's Word is proof of His "steadfast love" and "faithfulness". He has shown how much He loves us by revealing Himself to us in His Word.
So, now what? We have this gift - In His steadfast love and faithfulness, God's given us faith and a genuine desire to keep His Word. What do we do? Do things to remind yourself of God's Word, of the Scripture. Memorize and meditate on Bible verses. In the Old Testament, in the book of Deuteronomy (see chapter 6), it seems that the Israelites, God's chosen people, somehow tied copies of God's law to their hands, and they even marked the doorposts of their homes with written portions of God's Word.
(3:4) This is why your Mom and Dad continually talk about, teach and remind you of the Truth of God found in the Bible. Remember Jesus. The Bible says that He increased in wisdom, and in stature (He grew up from a child to a man), and in favor with God and man. This same Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, lives inside of you and will work in you, so that you may live a life that is pleasing to Him.
But, "let your HEART keep My commandments". This is the desire of the one who fears God. Your obey God's Word because that is what you want to do more than anything else in the world; this desire only comes from God, and has nothing to do with how good you are. Praise and give glory to God, if this is the desire of your heart, because this is His gift to you.
(3:3) God's Word is proof of His "steadfast love" and "faithfulness". He has shown how much He loves us by revealing Himself to us in His Word.
So, now what? We have this gift - In His steadfast love and faithfulness, God's given us faith and a genuine desire to keep His Word. What do we do? Do things to remind yourself of God's Word, of the Scripture. Memorize and meditate on Bible verses. In the Old Testament, in the book of Deuteronomy (see chapter 6), it seems that the Israelites, God's chosen people, somehow tied copies of God's law to their hands, and they even marked the doorposts of their homes with written portions of God's Word.
(3:4) This is why your Mom and Dad continually talk about, teach and remind you of the Truth of God found in the Bible. Remember Jesus. The Bible says that He increased in wisdom, and in stature (He grew up from a child to a man), and in favor with God and man. This same Jesus, by His Holy Spirit, lives inside of you and will work in you, so that you may live a life that is pleasing to Him.
Thoughts for My Kids - Take up your shield! [Proverbs 2]
(2:4) What are we to seek? People strive daily, spending their time, money and best efforts going after fame, recognition, a life of ease, and more money. But we who love and fear God are to call out for insight and understanding, for God's wisdom. This should be what you desire to seek after.
God's Spirit lives in you, if you are a child of God, and your desires will - supernaturally - be different from the desires of those who do not know and love our Creator God.
(2:7) Your faith should match up with your works. What you say you believe - God's Truth - and your actions should match up. This is living a life of integrity. This is opposite of what we call hypocrisy. If you are living a life of integrity, then you must be leave the results of this to God.
"He is a shield to those who walk in integrity". There will be times when you obey Jesus, yet not be rewarded for it, at least it may not appear this way to yourself or others. In fact, all may seemingly go "wrong" for you in this life, in the world's view. Think of Jesus and how our Lord was falsely accused, enduring great shame and injustice on His way to and during his suffering for us on the cross. And you, too, may suffer and die.
But God is your shield. You are saved, you are being saved, and you will be saved because of Jesus. Your life is hidden, as the Bible says, with Christ in God. As you seek God, loving and fearing Him alone and not fearing people, your body may suffer and be killed, but the real you lives eternally with Him, your shield. Remember Paul's words, "to live is Christ, to die is gain."
God's Spirit lives in you, if you are a child of God, and your desires will - supernaturally - be different from the desires of those who do not know and love our Creator God.
(2:7) Your faith should match up with your works. What you say you believe - God's Truth - and your actions should match up. This is living a life of integrity. This is opposite of what we call hypocrisy. If you are living a life of integrity, then you must be leave the results of this to God.
"He is a shield to those who walk in integrity". There will be times when you obey Jesus, yet not be rewarded for it, at least it may not appear this way to yourself or others. In fact, all may seemingly go "wrong" for you in this life, in the world's view. Think of Jesus and how our Lord was falsely accused, enduring great shame and injustice on His way to and during his suffering for us on the cross. And you, too, may suffer and die.
But God is your shield. You are saved, you are being saved, and you will be saved because of Jesus. Your life is hidden, as the Bible says, with Christ in God. As you seek God, loving and fearing Him alone and not fearing people, your body may suffer and be killed, but the real you lives eternally with Him, your shield. Remember Paul's words, "to live is Christ, to die is gain."
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Thoughts for My Kids from Proverbs - What will you be when you grow up? [Proverbs 1]
The purpose behind the wise sayings recorded in Proverbs is to help you live life in a way that is pleasing to your Creator, to live life the way He designed for you to live it. All else is loss, vain, foolish, or, as Paul says in Philippians when talking about knowing and loving Jesus, all else is "rubbish".
Ecclesiastes says to remember your Creator, while you are young. Don't waste your life, realizing so late Who IS your life. Proverbs 1:7 - Most people in the world do not fear the one true Creator God. Just because someone chooses not to acknowledge God does not mean, of course, that God does not exist (man is not a creation of God!), nor does it mean that He doesn't know these people or what they do. He knows all, and will judge all of us.
The most intelligent scientist in the world is nothing if he/she does not fear God. In fact, many of the problems we have today come from foolish decisions made by very talented, knowledgeable people. Who or what guides the scientist or inventor in their decision-making? Who or what is to prevent them from devising harmful theories and products? Genetically modifying wheat, for example, has led to horrible health problems for those today whose bodies cannot tolerate the hundred-fold increase in gluten in store-bought breads.
What about the lawmakers who pass legislation that goes against the clear teachings of the Word of God? What about the Most Valuable Player in sports who is a failure in his family life?
Fools do not want to honor God or His instruction; they would rather continue in their sin. Pride says, "I know best. I can decide what I want. I have the right to do what I want to do." This attitude is not of God and shows that a person is a slave of sin and not one who fears or loves God.
Whatever you do, do for God's glory. Who are you going to be when you grow up? Usually we ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" but the better question, is "WHO?" My heart's desire and prayer for you is that whatever God leads you to do... whether you're a teacher, nurse, firefighter, scientist, musician, etc., that you will do it for His glory, and you will continually know and fear and love your Creator God.
Ecclesiastes says to remember your Creator, while you are young. Don't waste your life, realizing so late Who IS your life. Proverbs 1:7 - Most people in the world do not fear the one true Creator God. Just because someone chooses not to acknowledge God does not mean, of course, that God does not exist (man is not a creation of God!), nor does it mean that He doesn't know these people or what they do. He knows all, and will judge all of us.
The most intelligent scientist in the world is nothing if he/she does not fear God. In fact, many of the problems we have today come from foolish decisions made by very talented, knowledgeable people. Who or what guides the scientist or inventor in their decision-making? Who or what is to prevent them from devising harmful theories and products? Genetically modifying wheat, for example, has led to horrible health problems for those today whose bodies cannot tolerate the hundred-fold increase in gluten in store-bought breads.
What about the lawmakers who pass legislation that goes against the clear teachings of the Word of God? What about the Most Valuable Player in sports who is a failure in his family life?
Fools do not want to honor God or His instruction; they would rather continue in their sin. Pride says, "I know best. I can decide what I want. I have the right to do what I want to do." This attitude is not of God and shows that a person is a slave of sin and not one who fears or loves God.
Whatever you do, do for God's glory. Who are you going to be when you grow up? Usually we ask, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" but the better question, is "WHO?" My heart's desire and prayer for you is that whatever God leads you to do... whether you're a teacher, nurse, firefighter, scientist, musician, etc., that you will do it for His glory, and you will continually know and fear and love your Creator God.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Goliath, David, and the call of God
From I Samuel 17, about one year ago, I made some notes that I thought might be very encouraging for any brother or sister who believes God may be calling them into an area of ministry that is totally new to them. Often we feel so inadequate and have so many questions as we sense God stirring us to a new work. The question can often be, "Is this really You, God?" or, perhaps, we feel certain it is the Lord, but just as Moses, we think of so many reasons why responding positively and moving ahead in God's calling is just not a good idea. I hope this might be especially helpful for anyone about to go into cross-cultural ministry.
Here are the rough notes, a working draft, which I hope to elaborate more on later.
17:8-16 - For 40 days, twice each day, the giant Goliath came out and taunted the army of Israel. The Philistines were gathered on land that belonged to Judah. We as children of God, as warriors in His kingdom, will experience the accusations of the enemy, the distortion of His truth. This is intimidating. This is the same kind of intimidation that Nehemiah and the re-builders of the wall experienced from their enemies. Expect ridicule, taunts from the enemy when you are about to obey the calling of God into a new work... sometimes the opposition may even come from those close to you, whom you consider friends/brothers.
17:17-18 - David was about his routine, everyday tasks when God spoke and he was called into this great encounter. Was David out of God's will in his shepherding? On the contrary, David was doing God's will. Be faithful in the "little" things...and let your hope and expectation only be that you may glorify Him in whatever He tells you to do. We may feel "under-used" or bored or frustrated or weary of doing menial work that doesn't appear to have any eternal significance, but these feelings are not from God. Taking care of children or aging parents, going faithfully to your job each day, doing the household chores, whatever it may be... be faithful and thankful.
17:28-30 - At the same time, David's ongoing call would turn out to be a calling away from his responsibilities as a shepherd boy. It is right and good to be able to leave behind work that you've been involved in, whatever it may be. And this goes along directly with this next section ---
17:34-37 - God uses our previous "faith-obedience-experience" in Him as training for that next work that He is calling us into. Whatever we do to honor Jesus will not be wasted. Even if such obedience should come at the end of one's life-time, shouldn't we remember from Revelation that His Word says we will one day "reign with Him"? Even in eternity, I believe, we will have a work to do, and much of the quality/quantity of that work will depend upon how faithful we've been to serve Him in this life. Whatever you do, do for His glory!
17:45-47 - We obey in child-like trust in Him; He takes care of the results. In this case, David took the stones and slung his sling. He did have to step out and act. There is a place in the calling of God that comes to raw, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other, abandonment and action. Remember it really has nothing to do with your understanding or emotional state. Often it is NOT comfortable being obedient, and yet there is a peace in the act that cannot be explained. And it definitely does not make sense (what do you think the Philistine AND Israelite soldiers were thinking when David approached this beast with some rocks?). It has nothing to do with your own natural abilities, either... yet, God delivered here. He gave the results; in this case, to see that Goliath was killed.
17:48-49 - note the CONFIDENCE that David put in His Lord. David "RAN QUICKLY TOWARD THE BATTLE LINE". When you are filled with and walking in His Spirit, go forward in complete confidence in Him, with your mind not focused on results or outcome (He is responsible for this), but upon seeing that Yahweh is magnified, glorified, that He gets all the credit for what He is doing.
Here are the rough notes, a working draft, which I hope to elaborate more on later.
17:8-16 - For 40 days, twice each day, the giant Goliath came out and taunted the army of Israel. The Philistines were gathered on land that belonged to Judah. We as children of God, as warriors in His kingdom, will experience the accusations of the enemy, the distortion of His truth. This is intimidating. This is the same kind of intimidation that Nehemiah and the re-builders of the wall experienced from their enemies. Expect ridicule, taunts from the enemy when you are about to obey the calling of God into a new work... sometimes the opposition may even come from those close to you, whom you consider friends/brothers.
17:17-18 - David was about his routine, everyday tasks when God spoke and he was called into this great encounter. Was David out of God's will in his shepherding? On the contrary, David was doing God's will. Be faithful in the "little" things...and let your hope and expectation only be that you may glorify Him in whatever He tells you to do. We may feel "under-used" or bored or frustrated or weary of doing menial work that doesn't appear to have any eternal significance, but these feelings are not from God. Taking care of children or aging parents, going faithfully to your job each day, doing the household chores, whatever it may be... be faithful and thankful.
17:28-30 - At the same time, David's ongoing call would turn out to be a calling away from his responsibilities as a shepherd boy. It is right and good to be able to leave behind work that you've been involved in, whatever it may be. And this goes along directly with this next section ---
17:34-37 - God uses our previous "faith-obedience-experience" in Him as training for that next work that He is calling us into. Whatever we do to honor Jesus will not be wasted. Even if such obedience should come at the end of one's life-time, shouldn't we remember from Revelation that His Word says we will one day "reign with Him"? Even in eternity, I believe, we will have a work to do, and much of the quality/quantity of that work will depend upon how faithful we've been to serve Him in this life. Whatever you do, do for His glory!
17:45-47 - We obey in child-like trust in Him; He takes care of the results. In this case, David took the stones and slung his sling. He did have to step out and act. There is a place in the calling of God that comes to raw, one-foot-in-front-of-the-other, abandonment and action. Remember it really has nothing to do with your understanding or emotional state. Often it is NOT comfortable being obedient, and yet there is a peace in the act that cannot be explained. And it definitely does not make sense (what do you think the Philistine AND Israelite soldiers were thinking when David approached this beast with some rocks?). It has nothing to do with your own natural abilities, either... yet, God delivered here. He gave the results; in this case, to see that Goliath was killed.
17:48-49 - note the CONFIDENCE that David put in His Lord. David "RAN QUICKLY TOWARD THE BATTLE LINE". When you are filled with and walking in His Spirit, go forward in complete confidence in Him, with your mind not focused on results or outcome (He is responsible for this), but upon seeing that Yahweh is magnified, glorified, that He gets all the credit for what He is doing.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The belt and the sword -- hermeneutics 101
In Ephesians 6, we are told to put on the belt of truth and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. In keeping with what I had to share with you in the post, "A matter of life and death", I just wanted to offer a tool that I pray will be helpful for you as you move forward in your faith-walk with Christ.
On our last term overseas, I ran across a book by a man named RC Sproul. It's called Knowing God's Word (formerly called "Knowing Scripture"). The following is taken from his work in regard to the basics of Biblical hermeneutics, or the "science" of interpreting the Bible:
p.46 - "If a given verse is capable of two renditions or variant interpretations and tone of those interpretations goes against the rest of Scripture while the other is in harmony with it, then the latter interpretation must be used." God's Word, the Bible, is consistent and coherent.
p.48. "The Bible should be interpreted according to its literal sense ie., as literature: the natural meaning is to be interpreted according to the normal rules of of grammar, speech, syntax, and context"
p.49 - Literary analysis/genre analysis: figures of speech, style, hyperbole (exaggeration, "overshooting", etc.) Is this section of Scripture poetry? Fable? Or historical narrative? Personification?
Metaphor: Jesus said, "I am the door"
p. 51 - "If the Bible claims something actually happened, we have no right to 'explain it away' by calling it personification"
p. 53 - "We must be careful to note the difference between discerning what the Bible is actually saying and the question of whether what it is saying is true or not"
Think about: What is the plain sense of the Scripture?
Scripture has a unified meaning (one, clear meaning) but can have multiple, rich, varied applications.
I. **The ANALOGY OF FAITH - The primary rule of hermeneutics is that Scripture is to interpret Scripture..."no part of Scripture can be interpreted in such a way as to render it in conflict with what is clearly taught elsewhere in Scripture"... THIS PRINCIPLE KEEPS THE WHOLE BIBLE IN VIEW.
III. **THE GRAMMATICO-HISTORICAL METHOD -- Attention is gocused on "grammatical constructions and historical contexts out of which the Scriptures were written. THIS FOCUSES OUR ATTENTION ON ORIGINAL MEANING OF THE TEXT, KEEPING US ON EXEGESIS (drawing truth/meaning from the Scripture), NOT EISEGESIS (bringing meaning from the outside and putting it into the Scripture).
IV. SOURCE CRITICISM - By these methods you can isolate materials common to particular writers (Ex: Mark was the first Gospel writer... Matthew and Luke have Mark as they wrote.... knowing why an author writes what he writes helps us to understand what he writes.)
1. Rule 1: The Bible is to be read like any other book (it is not "magical")
2. Rule 2: Read the Bible existentially (ie., get passionately and personally involved in what we read... NOTE: John Piper said regarding sermon message preparation that you should ask two questions: "Is is TRUE?" and "Do I have a passion about this?"
3. Rule 3: Historical narratives are to be interpreted by the didactic (teaching)passages of Scripture
4. Rule 4: The implicit is to be interpreted by the explicit
5. Rule 5: Determine carefully the meaning of words (etymology, origins of words and word usage)
6. Rule 6: Note the presence of parallelisms in the Bible -- Note Proverbs.
7. Rule 7: Note the difference between proverb and law
8. Rule 8: Observe the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law.
9. Rule 9: Be careful with parables (best: look for one, basic central point in each parable, not as "allegory")
10. Rule 10: Be careful with predictive prophecy (as opposed to prophecy which is simply the forth-telling of Biblical truth).
CULTURE AND THE BIBLE: (1) Examine the Bible itself for apparent areas of custom. (2) Allow for Christian distinctives in the 1st century (3) The Creation ordinances are indicators of the trans-cultural principle: "If any Biblical principles transcend local customary limits, they are appeals drawn from creation" pg.110 - ie., they reflect stipulations a covenant God makes with man qua man (ex. Matthew 19:4-6 references to Genesis regarding marriage) (4) In areas of uncertainty, use the principle of humility - Ex" Biblical mandate whose nature remains uncertain (is it "custom", or "principle"?).
Okay, I have to say on point 3 of "Culture and the Bible" that I would have to look again at what Sproul was saying. I think his book did not further elaborate.
I am thinking especially of my children now as I write. I pray you will seek the truth of God's Word. Whatever I or anyone else may teach you, always examine what you hear in the light of Scripture. God's Word is your final authority.
On our last term overseas, I ran across a book by a man named RC Sproul. It's called Knowing God's Word (formerly called "Knowing Scripture"). The following is taken from his work in regard to the basics of Biblical hermeneutics, or the "science" of interpreting the Bible:
p.46 - "If a given verse is capable of two renditions or variant interpretations and tone of those interpretations goes against the rest of Scripture while the other is in harmony with it, then the latter interpretation must be used." God's Word, the Bible, is consistent and coherent.
p.48. "The Bible should be interpreted according to its literal sense ie., as literature: the natural meaning is to be interpreted according to the normal rules of of grammar, speech, syntax, and context"
p.49 - Literary analysis/genre analysis: figures of speech, style, hyperbole (exaggeration, "overshooting", etc.) Is this section of Scripture poetry? Fable? Or historical narrative? Personification?
Metaphor: Jesus said, "I am the door"
p. 51 - "If the Bible claims something actually happened, we have no right to 'explain it away' by calling it personification"
p. 53 - "We must be careful to note the difference between discerning what the Bible is actually saying and the question of whether what it is saying is true or not"
Think about: What is the plain sense of the Scripture?
Scripture has a unified meaning (one, clear meaning) but can have multiple, rich, varied applications.
I. **The ANALOGY OF FAITH - The primary rule of hermeneutics is that Scripture is to interpret Scripture..."no part of Scripture can be interpreted in such a way as to render it in conflict with what is clearly taught elsewhere in Scripture"... THIS PRINCIPLE KEEPS THE WHOLE BIBLE IN VIEW.
III. **THE GRAMMATICO-HISTORICAL METHOD -- Attention is gocused on "grammatical constructions and historical contexts out of which the Scriptures were written. THIS FOCUSES OUR ATTENTION ON ORIGINAL MEANING OF THE TEXT, KEEPING US ON EXEGESIS (drawing truth/meaning from the Scripture), NOT EISEGESIS (bringing meaning from the outside and putting it into the Scripture).
IV. SOURCE CRITICISM - By these methods you can isolate materials common to particular writers (Ex: Mark was the first Gospel writer... Matthew and Luke have Mark as they wrote.... knowing why an author writes what he writes helps us to understand what he writes.)
1. Rule 1: The Bible is to be read like any other book (it is not "magical")
2. Rule 2: Read the Bible existentially (ie., get passionately and personally involved in what we read... NOTE: John Piper said regarding sermon message preparation that you should ask two questions: "Is is TRUE?" and "Do I have a passion about this?"
3. Rule 3: Historical narratives are to be interpreted by the didactic (teaching)passages of Scripture
4. Rule 4: The implicit is to be interpreted by the explicit
5. Rule 5: Determine carefully the meaning of words (etymology, origins of words and word usage)
6. Rule 6: Note the presence of parallelisms in the Bible -- Note Proverbs.
7. Rule 7: Note the difference between proverb and law
8. Rule 8: Observe the difference between the spirit and the letter of the law.
9. Rule 9: Be careful with parables (best: look for one, basic central point in each parable, not as "allegory")
10. Rule 10: Be careful with predictive prophecy (as opposed to prophecy which is simply the forth-telling of Biblical truth).
CULTURE AND THE BIBLE: (1) Examine the Bible itself for apparent areas of custom. (2) Allow for Christian distinctives in the 1st century (3) The Creation ordinances are indicators of the trans-cultural principle: "If any Biblical principles transcend local customary limits, they are appeals drawn from creation" pg.110 - ie., they reflect stipulations a covenant God makes with man qua man (ex. Matthew 19:4-6 references to Genesis regarding marriage) (4) In areas of uncertainty, use the principle of humility - Ex" Biblical mandate whose nature remains uncertain (is it "custom", or "principle"?).
Okay, I have to say on point 3 of "Culture and the Bible" that I would have to look again at what Sproul was saying. I think his book did not further elaborate.
I am thinking especially of my children now as I write. I pray you will seek the truth of God's Word. Whatever I or anyone else may teach you, always examine what you hear in the light of Scripture. God's Word is your final authority.
A Matter of Life and Death
Moses is addressing a new generation of Israelites as they are about to go in and take possession of the Promised Land:
Deut.29:29 - "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."
Deut.30:19-20 - "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is your life and length of days..."
Our family has lived overseas since the late '90s, and are currently in the middle of a one-year furlough. Each time we've returned to the US, we notice big changes in technology, culture, religion, etc.
The Christian bookstores are still full of books - an overabundance of materials for helping people grow spiritually, of music CDs, biographies and fictional works. So many books about the Book. And there continue to be an overabundance of conferences, seminars and workshops.
We've had the opportunity to be in numerous churches across the section of the country we live in, and we've observed this time that pastors/preachers in local churches seem to fall in to one of two categories: They are excellent at teaching facts about the Scripture, but poor in being able to clearly communicate the application of Truth in a practical way for the equipping of the saints for ministry. Or, they have culturally relative points of application that are actually flawed and not according to Biblical truth because the points are not backed by sound doctrine (the most obvious and widespread of this type of teaching, for example, would be the "prosperity gospel" teaching so rampant in many US churches, and being vigorously exported overseas, as well).
More rare, it seems now, also, is the disciple who knows how to and seeks to study the Book for himself, for the purpose of life application, trust and obedience. Who has a hunger for His Word? (a question I must ask myself, continually). Who has been trained/taught to search and study God's Word and be changed by His truth daily?
Why is this a "matter of life and death"?
Teach and train up your children in the Word of God. No other tool is needed. We are definitely not against extra-Biblical resources/materials, but His Word is sufficient, and the Holy Spirit lives in you to teach you His truth. Your and your children will stray and be distracted from the Truth if you are not well-grounded in His Truth. This is spiritual death.
Secondly, suffering will come to those who follow Christ. The days are coming, if not here already in the US, when those who follow Jesus will be more severely persecuted than in times past. This is to be expected. This is what comes from following Christ and His Word. Christians who are not equipped to trust God's Word and apply it in daily life are in danger of losing the opportunity and the joy to share with Christ in His sufferings, thus Glorifying Him. Physical suffering and death which come as a result of following Jesus brings spiritual life ("unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies..." see John 12:24. Also note that wherever there has been a movement of God resulting in doctrinally sound churches being multiplied, there has been significant persecution happening simultaneously.)
We also now observe in the US more teachers/preachers who are tickling the ears of their listeners. This is to happen increasingly in the last days.
Around 80% of US churches are "plateaued" or declining, and the lack of equipping of believers in application of the Word is at least partially to blame, I believe. More will stray from the churches. More will be deceived. But the encouraging news is that His church will be persecuted, refined and purified, glorifying Him and enjoying more and more sweet fellowship with Him. Let's persevere, by His grace, and find ourselves enjoying this closeness with Him.
Deut.29:29 - "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."
Deut.30:19-20 - "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live, loving the LORD your God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is your life and length of days..."
Our family has lived overseas since the late '90s, and are currently in the middle of a one-year furlough. Each time we've returned to the US, we notice big changes in technology, culture, religion, etc.
The Christian bookstores are still full of books - an overabundance of materials for helping people grow spiritually, of music CDs, biographies and fictional works. So many books about the Book. And there continue to be an overabundance of conferences, seminars and workshops.
We've had the opportunity to be in numerous churches across the section of the country we live in, and we've observed this time that pastors/preachers in local churches seem to fall in to one of two categories: They are excellent at teaching facts about the Scripture, but poor in being able to clearly communicate the application of Truth in a practical way for the equipping of the saints for ministry. Or, they have culturally relative points of application that are actually flawed and not according to Biblical truth because the points are not backed by sound doctrine (the most obvious and widespread of this type of teaching, for example, would be the "prosperity gospel" teaching so rampant in many US churches, and being vigorously exported overseas, as well).
More rare, it seems now, also, is the disciple who knows how to and seeks to study the Book for himself, for the purpose of life application, trust and obedience. Who has a hunger for His Word? (a question I must ask myself, continually). Who has been trained/taught to search and study God's Word and be changed by His truth daily?
Why is this a "matter of life and death"?
Teach and train up your children in the Word of God. No other tool is needed. We are definitely not against extra-Biblical resources/materials, but His Word is sufficient, and the Holy Spirit lives in you to teach you His truth. Your and your children will stray and be distracted from the Truth if you are not well-grounded in His Truth. This is spiritual death.
Secondly, suffering will come to those who follow Christ. The days are coming, if not here already in the US, when those who follow Jesus will be more severely persecuted than in times past. This is to be expected. This is what comes from following Christ and His Word. Christians who are not equipped to trust God's Word and apply it in daily life are in danger of losing the opportunity and the joy to share with Christ in His sufferings, thus Glorifying Him. Physical suffering and death which come as a result of following Jesus brings spiritual life ("unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies..." see John 12:24. Also note that wherever there has been a movement of God resulting in doctrinally sound churches being multiplied, there has been significant persecution happening simultaneously.)
We also now observe in the US more teachers/preachers who are tickling the ears of their listeners. This is to happen increasingly in the last days.
Around 80% of US churches are "plateaued" or declining, and the lack of equipping of believers in application of the Word is at least partially to blame, I believe. More will stray from the churches. More will be deceived. But the encouraging news is that His church will be persecuted, refined and purified, glorifying Him and enjoying more and more sweet fellowship with Him. Let's persevere, by His grace, and find ourselves enjoying this closeness with Him.
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