A big question for me is, are we supposed to pursue using the gifts that You've given us, to the degree that we say "no" to tasks in front of us that we don't feel comfortable with? Don't you call us to do things that don't necessarily seem to be a good "fit" for the abilities You have given us?
I enjoy working in a language other than English. I'm fairly good at communication cross-culturally, and am very motivated to grow in that area.
I do like to travel. I like helping in a way that it makes it easy for someone else to do their job. I like using the local language exclusively to make arrangements for volunteers or others to come in and do Main Thing activities.
You have provided me with so many life experiences in raising kids/having a family overseas, in a cross-cultural environment, and I would like to encourage young families coming out, so that they can make good adjustments to field work and keep at the work for an extended time.
Shepherding, helping, serving, teaching... But not cold turkey EV stuff and t4t type work, nor direct CP. Getting to know two or three local men, or local couples, using the language, in such a way that they become disciples who make more disciples, in a very natural way, is something I believe I enjoy doing and can do effectively.
Taking some truth from Your Word, and helping someone to discover for themselves the clear meaning, and watching them to take the Holy-Spirit led initiative of applying it to their lives is very encouraging to me.
Taking some truth from Your Word, and helping someone to discover for themselves the clear meaning, and watching them to take the Holy-Spirit led initiative of applying it to their lives is very encouraging to me.
I've always felt that starting all of this with my own family first is my primary responsibility
But if I am convinced that You are telling me to do something that has nothing to do with any of the gifts You have giving me, nor with my likes or past experiences, then I must go with You, yes?
If we are to reign with You in eternity, could THAT be where our gifts will be used the most effectively, while this earthly time is more of a training time for us?
Still, I believe You want to be glorified by Your Body, the Church. We use our gifts to serve as the Body of Christ, led by the Spirit of Christ, while we are still on this "earth pilgrimage"
Does our perceived "usefulness" go through "seasons"?
Help me, help us, to be faithful and to remember You and be mindful each day of how You want to use us and be with us and LEAD us for that day.
I cannot see much beyond this right now... I'm thankful and give this all to You, Lord, because it's really beyond me to understand or figure out.
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