[Proverbs 30:1-6]
The one name we really need to be excited about is the name of Jesus. The one person we really should want to hear from is Jesus. The one whose ideas we should really want to hear about are Jesus’.
Please don’t ask me right now about whose book I’m reading, or who my favorite pastor is, or about what big name person has made the biggest impact on my life. Right now, if you’ve got a big name in the Christian community, I’m really not impressed.
I think “well-known” and “pastor” should become an oxymoron. I believe in the New Testament, the pastors were nobodies. I mean, they were church members like everybody else - parts of the Body, using their gifts together with the Body of Christ. The one-pastor leader model, who is the sole speaker/teacher during the gatherings of the Body, is not to be found in the Bible.
The well-known guys among the communities of faith in the NT were actually apostles, like Paul. And they were well known not only because of their teachings and well-circulated letters, but because they suffered like dogs for the kingdom of Christ. They were beaten, imprisoned, tortured and sometimes put to death, but still kept on serving Christ and the churches, making disciples of the nations, advancing His kingdom.
There are still apostles and pastors and church members like that today. They have to hide, moving around, persecuted, beaten, tortured, and sometimes even killed. They don’t have any book deals, or DVD sets out there for purchase. They don’t do conferences or TV shows. They don’t blog. Their names are only big with the authorities who are trying to hunt them down and stop them.
Whatever their theology is, or their politics, or however great their gifts and talents and abilities are, don’t let yourself get impressed with anybody who’s got a big name. Jesus, the name above all names – His name is the one name worthy to be magnified.