I think there will continue to be a sense of mystery about some of these issues until we get to Heaven and all becomes clearer ("for now, we see in a mirror dimly... " - I Corinthians 13:12). Until then, don't argue about this stuff with people. God is not glorified in the disunity that results from arguments over many of these areas. Continue to move forward on the basic teachings He has given us that are very clear in His Word. All else can prove to be a very costly distraction.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Glory via Mystery
I think there will continue to be a sense of mystery about some of these issues until we get to Heaven and all becomes clearer ("for now, we see in a mirror dimly... " - I Corinthians 13:12). Until then, don't argue about this stuff with people. God is not glorified in the disunity that results from arguments over many of these areas. Continue to move forward on the basic teachings He has given us that are very clear in His Word. All else can prove to be a very costly distraction.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
You want to be like whom?
Proverbs 24:1-2 “Be not envious of evil men, nor desire to be with them, for their hearts devise violence, and their lips talk of trouble.”
I once read something Philip Yancey said about famous people, and how messed up their lives are. At some point in his career, he had the opportunity to meet with a lot of these actor types, and later he described how almost all of them were in some sort of psychotherapy, and their lives were empty and void of meaning, nothing you would really want to emulate.
Whether famous or not, we’re never to let our hearts become envious of people who don’t know Christ. It’s easy to do; I’ve let my heart go there many times before, sadly. Here’s a guy with lots of money, lots of skill in some sport, a really strong body, thinks on his feet superbly. These images mostly come from the movies, for me. But Christ is the One whom we are to emulate.
Ultimately, let Christ be your model for attitudes and behavior. Ask Him, “Lord, how do you want me to live? How do you want me to respond here?” Even if a person IS a follower of Christ, he or she can fail you, but Jesus never will.
It makes me a bit nervous when I see famous people who have decided to follow Christ, and then see young Christians so excited they’ve got a famous brother or sister up there that they can point to and say, “hey, he’s a Christian, too!” because, so often, that person fails horribly, crashes and burns.
Twice, in I Corinthians, the apostle Paul says, “imitate me”. In 4:16, he says, “be imitators of me.” And, in 11:1, Paul says, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”
Yes, there are Godly men and women we should want to be like, insofar as they are trying to follow Jesus and live lives of integrity and influence. But, as Paul qualified his own words, be an imitator of those who are imitating Christ.
Matthew Henry says it this way: “Follow me as far as I follow Christ. Come up as close as you can to my example in those instances wherein I endeavor to copy after his pattern. Be my disciples, as far as I manifest myself to be a faithful minister and disciple of Christ, and no further. I would not have you be my disciples, but his.”
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Less is More (a LOT more)
Ancient Landmarks
Proverbs 22:28 “Do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.”
We’re in the process of buying a small piece of land back in the States. Other people own the land on either side of this property.
In Biblical times, normally one marked his property line by digging a small trench, probably with a plow, to make a visible line on the ground, and at each end of the trench he would place a heap of stones as a landmark. The landmark was most important, because even if the trench was covered up or washed away over time, the property owner could always run another line between piles of stones to see exactly where his boundary was.
Today, we’ve gotten a bit more high-tech with survey equipment, and the corner of one’s property might have a wooden stake in the ground with a piece of colored ribbon tied to it, but not a pile of stones.
But the idea behind this verse is the same. You would be in a lot of trouble with your neighbor, even today, if he or she discovered that you’d been moving that stake over to make it look like you have more land than you really do. It’s the same as stealing your neighbor’s land, and in Biblical times this was a big no no (see Deuteronomy 19:14).
You will stay out of much trouble if you hold to the Truth. The heaps of stones, that wooden stake in the ground, are true markers of your boundary line.
It’s the same with the Truth of God’s Word. Stay close to His Word, stay close to good, solid teaching of His Word. Be sure that your heart, your actions and words stay true to the teaching of the Bible.
Likewise, someone may try to move your landmark. The Bible says your Redeemer is strong, and He will plea your cause against those who try to lead you astray from His truth (see Proverbs 23:10-11).
Thank God for the ancient landmarks.