II Kings 6:16-17
Israel and Syria were at war. The King of Syria thought that he had a traitor in his camp, because, more than once, Israel had been informed of attacks planned against them.
But Elisha was the man who, having heard from God, had been warning the King of Israel of Syria’s next move. So now, Syria sends a massive army, with horses and chariots, against Elisha and his servants.
One of Elisha’s men is terrified, seeing this vast army of Syrians surrounding their little camp.
What does Elisha do? What does he say to his servant, who is overwhelmed with fear?
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed in the circumstances you are in?
Elisha tells his servant, “Do not be afraid.” And then he states a simple fact, “…those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
Elisha then simply asks God to do something for his servant: “O Lord, please open his eyes that he may see”. God then opens the man’s eyes to see the mountains full of horses and chariots of fire, the army of God, ready to do God’s bidding against those standing against Elisha and his servants.
So many today who profess faith in Christ live in fear and with feelings of being overwhelmed by their circumstances. This fear often becomes the root of anger, unbelief, discontent, bitterness, jealousy, impurity and various other sinful thoughts and behaviors.
What about you today? Are you a child of God? If so, you do not have to be afraid. You do not have to live with feelings of being overwhelmed.
Many scientists, and laymen, as well, are consumed with theoretical physics and the idea that multiple unseen, extra dimensions must exist. This obsession has fueled the production of hundreds novels and movies that can be categorized in the “parallel universe” genre.
Ironically, as Christians, we often want to escape our circumstances by delving into such books and films, imagining that we can find relief in a better, newer, more exciting reality for us.
Why do we settle for such cheap, pathetic imitations of Truth?
We’ve got to wake up! The answer to our fear and feelings of despair is not in giving way to sinful thoughts and actions, nor is the answer in escapism.
The answer is in God’s Word.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (from the Bible, Romans 12:2, New Living Translation).
And that, kids, is what’s Real.
God, open our eyes to see the Reality of who we are in You, and of the full and abundant life You have graciously provided for us. We are Your children, citizens of Heaven, not of this world. Help us to act on Your truth today and experience the victory You have already won for us through the cross of Christ.