[proverbs 15:11]
The honesty of little children is sometimes shocking, intimidating, and can even be a bit annoying for us old folks who think we pretty much know everything.
It’s been way too long since my Childhood Development class in college, but between the ages of 2 and 5, I believe, kids will say whatever comes into their little minds, without any hesitation or tact, whatsoever. This is age-appropriate behavior for them.
But their honesty illustrates an aspect of child-like faith that we need to remember today. When we come to Jesus in prayer, He has no use for any fake-ness or hypocrisy. He already knows what’s inside us, and all the secrets of our heart.
In your conversations with God, cut right to the point. He knows already, anyway, you know.
God, help me today to experience a deeper friendship with You. Help me have joy and peace with You regardless of circumstance, by putting away any fake-ness and coming to You with what’s on my mind.